(COS 1026) (Nov 2024): St Helen Gate (1736) (Santa Margherita Line), Cospicua

(COS 1025) (Nov 2024): St Helen Gate (1736) (Santa Margherita Line), Cospicua

Cospicua (Bormla): Fortifications 

(COS 34) (Oct 2018): Cottonera Lines (17c+18c), Cospicua

(COS 34) (Oct 2018): Cottonera Lines (17c+18c), Cospicua

(COS 1024) (Nov 2024): St Helen Gate (1736) (Santa Margherita Line), Cospicua

(COS 35) (Oct 2018): Cottonera Lines (17c+18c), Cospicua

(COS 35) (Oct 2018): Cottonera Lines (17c+18c), Cospicua

(COS 36) (Oct 2018): Cottonera Lines (17c+18c), Cospicua

(COS 36) (Oct 2018): Cottonera Lines (17c+18c), Cospicua

(COS 1028) (Nov 2024): St Helen Gate (1736) (Santa Margherita Line), Cospicua

(COS 1027) (Nov 2024): St Helen Gate (1736) (Santa Margherita Line), Cospicua

(COS 37) (Oct 2018): St Helen’s Gate (1736), Santa Margherita Lines, Cospicua

(COS 37) (Oct 2018): St Helen’s Gate (1736), Santa Margherita Lines, Cospicua

(COS 37a) (Oct 2018): St Helen’s Gate (1736) Santa Margherita Lines, Cospicua

(COS 37a) (Oct 2018): St Helen’s Gate (1736) Santa Margherita Lines, Cospicua

(COS 834) (May 2019): Fort Verdala (Fuq Verdala), (Formerly fortified barracks 1856), Santa Margherita Lines, Cospicua

(COS 39) (May 2019): Fort Verdala (Formerly fortified barracks 1856), Santa Margherita Lines, Cospicua

(COS 39) (May 2019): Fort Verdala (Formerly fortified barracks 1856), Santa Margherita Lines, Cospicua

(COS 837) (May 2019): Fort Verdala (Fuq Verdala), (Formerly fortified barracks 1856), Santa Margherita Lines, Cospicua

(COS 41) (May 2019): Fort Verdala (Formerly fortified barracks 1856), Santa Margherita Lines, Cospicua

(COS 41) (May 2019): Fort Verdala (Formerly fortified barracks 1856), Santa Margherita Lines, Cospicua

(COS 42) (May 2019): Fort Verdala (Formerly fortified barracks 1856), Santa Margherita Lines, Cospicua

(COS 42) (May 2019): Fort Verdala (Formerly fortified barracks 1856), Santa Margherita Lines, Cospicua

(COS 840) (May 2019): Verdala Gate (Santa Margherita Lines 18c), Cospicua

(COS 841) (April 2019): Verdala Gate (Santa Margherita Lines 18c), Cospicua

(COS 903) (April 2019): Verdala Gate (Santa Margherita Lines 18c), Cospicua

(COS 842) (April 2019): St John’s Gate (Cottonera Lines 17+18c), Cospicua

(COS 843) (April 2019): St John’s Gate (Cottonera Lines 17+18c), Cospicua

(COS 844) (April 2019): St John’s Gate (Cottonera Lines 17+18c), Cospicua

(COS 1023) (Nov 2024): St Helen Gate (1736) (Santa Margherita Line), Cospicua

(COS 845) (April 2019): St John’s Gate (Cottonera Lines 17+18c), Cospicua

(COS 846) (April 2019): St Paul’s Bastion and St John’s Curtain (Cottonera Lines 17+18c), Cospicua

(COS 847) (April 2019): (St Paul’s Bastion (Cottonera Lines (17+18c), Cospicua

(COS 848) (April 2019): St Paul’s Bastion (Cottonera Lines 17+18c), Cospicua

(COS 52) (May 2019): St Nicholas Bastion (Cottonera Lines 17c+18c) Cospicua

(COS 52) (May 2019): St Nicholas Bastion (Cottonera Lines 17c+18c) Cospicua

(COS 53) (May 2019): St Nicholas Bastion (Cottonera Lines 17c+18c) Cospicua

(COS 53) (May 2019): St Nicholas Bastion (Cottonera Lines 17c+18c) Cospicua

(COS 54) (May 2019): St Clements Bastion, Curtain + Tenaille (Cottonera Lines 17c+18c) Cospicua

(COS 54) (May 2019): St Clements Bastion, Curtain + Tenaille (Cottonera Lines 17c+18c) Cospicua

(COS 55) (May 2019): St Clements Bastion, Curtain + Tennille (Cottonera Lines 17c+18c) Cospicua

(COS 55) (May 2019): St Clements Bastion, Curtain + Tennille (Cottonera Lines 17c+18c) Cospicua

(COS 56) (May 2019): St Clement Bastion (Cottonera Lines 17c+18c) Cospicua

(COS 56) (May 2019): St Clement Bastion (Cottonera Lines 17c+18c) Cospicua

(COS 854) (May 2019): St Clement’s Bastion (Cottonera Lines 17+18c), Cospicua

(COS 58) (May 2019): Notre Dame Bastion (Cottonera Lines 17c+18c) Cospicua

(COS 58) (May 2019): Notre Dame Bastion (Cottonera Lines 17c+18c) Cospicua

(COS 856) (May 2019): St Clement’s Bastion, Tenaille + Notre Dame Bastion (Cottonera Lines 17+18c), Cospicua

(COS 60) (May 2019): St Clement Bastion, Tenaille + Notre Dame Bastion (Cottonera Lines 17c+18c) Cospicua

(COS 60) (May 2019): St Clement Bastion, Tenaille + Notre Dame Bastion (Cottonera Lines 17c+18c) Cospicua

(COS 858) (May 2019): Notre Dame Bastion (Cottonera Lines 17+18c), Cospicua

(COS 62) (May 2019): St Clement Bastion (Cottonera Lines 17c+18c) Cospicua

(COS 62) (May 2019): St Clement Bastion (Cottonera Lines 17c+18c) Cospicua

(COS 860) (May 2019): St Clement’s Bastion (Cottonera Lines 17+18c), Cospicua

(COS 861) (May 2019): St Clement’s Bastion (Cottonera Lines 17+18c), Cospicua

(COS 862) (May 2019): Bastion (Cottonera Lines 17+18c), Cospicua

(COS 863) (May 2019): Bastion (Cottonera Lines 17+18c), Cospicua

(COS 864) (May 2019): Bastion (Cottonera Lines 17+18c), Cospicua

(COS 331) (Nov 2012): View over part of Fortifications (St Helen’s Bastion), Cospicua

(COS 331) (Nov 2012): View over part of Fortifications (St Helen’s Bastion), Cospicua